Upcoming events and meetings.

D4 November Meeting
The next District 4 meeting is our annual meeting, and we will have GFWC Florida officers in attendance. It will be on November 1st at the GFWC Palatka Woman’s Club.

ATTENTION....Welcome Back Party!
You don't want to miss our club year kickoff party. Bring a favorite picnic-type side dish to share, your appetite, and a friend! Hope to see you there!
RSVP: kathyeslife@att.net or call/text: (954)592-9443

Our first District meeting of the year was held Friday, August 16th at the Welaka Women’s Club. It was our new director, Terry Law’s first meeting and she did a wonderful job. There are a lot of exciting things planned for the district this year- we hope that you will consider attending a District meeting this year. We always have a carpool and it’s a great way to see what is happening with other clubs.
The next District 4 meeting is our annual meeting and we will have GFWC Florida officers in attendance. It will be on November 1st at the GFWC Palatka Woman’s Club.