Photos and other images of club activities.
2024 January General Meeting
December 2023
General Meeting
GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach donated needed personal care items to Micah’s Place.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach held a fundraiser with Bartram Garden Club, Sisterhood of the Traveling Plants, to benefit the Club’s Scholarship Program.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach and the GFWC Junior Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach held “The Art of Winetasting” fundraiser for scholarship funds.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach 2021 Scholarship recipients.
GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach celebrating its 100th year of community service.

Our December meeting generated 72 pairs of shoes and 36 pairs of socks for Families in Transition, a Nassau County School program to assist homeless students throughout the county.
Club Members cooking for Interfaith Dinners at Salvation Army’s Hope House in Fernandina Beach.

At the October meeting our members donated items and made birthday bags for Meals on Wheels
Click on a photo to see the full image.
The annual Hoedown Fundraiser
Shrimp Fest Parade
Christmas Glow
Our gift to the community for 35 years
Fashion Show Fundraisers
Bike Rodeo
Early morning at the clubhouse
District 4 Annual
October 2023
She Nailed It
Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser
October 2023